Estes Park United Methodist Church

September 6, 2020


Order of Worship


Prelude – It is Well With My Soul (arr.  Ruth Elaine Schram)




Call to Worship

Leader: The word of God comes into our lives in many ways.

People: God’s word comes to us, calling us to action and to new life.

Leader: God’s word calls us now, here in our worship.

People: God’s calling word invites us to service and ministry, to praise and thanksgiving.

All: We worship the living God and offer our praises to the eternal One.


Opening Prayer (Unison)

O great Shepherd of the sheep, we come before you today longing for guidance, for rest and for healing. We acknowledge that like sheep, we are prone to go our own way, to wander off and lose our bearings. You have brought us here together to worship you. We are within your gates. We rejoice and are glad. We praise you for the power of your presence among us. Quiet our hearts, calm our troubled spirits. Remind us to listen, for we gather in the spirit of expectancy, eager to hear your voice. Amen.


Opening Hymn – Plenty Good Room


Prayer of Confession

Leader: Let us confess our sin, calling for God’s transforming power.

People: Gracious and loving God, We confess that we have not allowed your grace to set us free. We fear that we are not good enough. We hear your word of love freely given to us, yet we expect others to earn it. We turn the church inward, rather than moving it outward. Forgive us. Stir us. Reform us to be a church powered by love, willing to speak for what is right, act for what is just, and seek the healing of your whole creation. Amen.

Silent Prayer

Assurance of Pardon

Leader: God hears our cry and sends the Spirit to change us and empower our lives in the world. Our sins are forgiven, God’s love is unconditional, and we are raised up as God’s people, who will always be made new in the name of Jesus Christ.

All:      Thanks be to God!  Amen!




Pastoral Prayer


Scripture Lesson – Romans 13:8-14




Sacrament of Holy Communion

Prayer After Communion  


Closing Hymn – Help Us to Accept Each Other





Service Participants:

Pastor – Rev. Ann Steiner Lantz

Liturgist – Cay Lacey

Director of Music – Jim Flanigan

Pianist – Nancy Gunter

Videographer – Jim Ecklund

Special Music – Nancy Gunter and Heather Stone