Estes Park United Methodist Church

October 11, 2020

Order of Worship

Prelude – Softly and Tenderly




Call to Worship

Leader:  In the midst of fear and anger; in the midst of mayhem and destruction, God calls us.

People:  With everything else going on, who has time for a feast? We’re busy, we’ll get around to eating eventually.

Leader:  In the midst of our anxiety, our worry; in the midst of bill-paying and appointments, God invites us.

People:  We are tempted to just grab a bite.

Leader:  The feast is spread!  All are invited, all are welcome!

People:  We are invited.  We are welcome.  We are worthy.  How will we respond?


Opening Prayer (Unison)

Gracious God, in love You open wide the doors and welcome us into Your presence—saints and sinners alike.  You spread a table before us, filled with the richest fare—a feast of love and mercy for the body and soul.  We come with joy to meet You here, to eat and drink at Your table, to taste and see Your goodness, to celebrate Your grace and mercy in our lives.

May Your Spirit inspire our praise and thanksgiving, our prayers and petitions as we worship together in Your presence. In the name of Jesus Christ, our host and Lord, Amen.


Opening Hymn – Trust and Obey


Prayer of Confession

Leader: Let us confess our sin, calling for God’s transforming power.

All:  God of mercy, as you once again call us to your table, help us to respond in faith. Forgive our failures and help us to learn from them. Change our hearts and minds as we hear your good news proclaimed. Help us to taste and see the goodness you have prepared for us, and for the world. Amen.

Silent Prayer


Assurance of Pardon

Leader:  Friends, hear this good news and see that by the grace of God:  You are forgiven. You are free to go and live in the light of love.

People: Thanks be to God!  Amen!



            Prayer of Blessing


Pastoral Prayer


Scripture Lesson – Matthew 22:1-14


Sermon – Be My Guest


Closing Hymn – O Jesus, I Have Promised




Postlude – Jesus is All the World to Me


Service Participants:

Pastor – Rev. Ann Steiner Lantz

Liturgist – Cay Lacey

Director of Music – Jim Flanigan

Pianist – Nancy Gunter

Videographer – Jim Ecklund