Estes Park United Methodist Church

December 20, 2020

Fourth Sunday of Advent


Order of Worship



Prelude – It Came Upon a Midnight Clear




Lighting of the Advent Wreath


Call to Worship

Leader: The advent of Christ brings the love of God’s presence into our midst!

People: We sing praises to God for the salvation Christ brings to us!

Leader: Because of Christ, the weak are strengthened, the fearful are encouraged, and the unrighteous are redeemed!

People: Love came down when God came down to us. God has come to us in Christ to walk with us in the paths of righteousness!

All: As we continue our preparations for Christmas, may our celebrations renew our faith and fill us with God’s love. Amen.


Opening Prayer (Unison)

O God, who comes among us and who is still yet to come, as the days grow ever shorter and the nights ever longer, we cling to the promise of the light that is coming into the world. Help us to trust your promises. Let every heart here prepare a room for you. Here we are, your servants. Let it be with us according to your word. Amen. 


Prayer of Confession

Leader: Let us confess our sin before God and one another.

All: Holy God, forgive us. In this season of anticipation, the voices of advertisers and culture compete for our attention, drowning out your voice. We busy ourselves with tasks we think we’re supposed to do and neglect those things we ought to do. Those things you call us to do, we do grudgingly and without joy. We lack the generous spirit of Mary, who heard your call and assented without question. Instead of feeling put upon, she lifted her voice in a song of honor and wonder. Renew our spirits.  Fill our hearts with joy and song so others see in us the grace and mercy you have given us through your Son.  Instill in us a spirit of gratitude. Open our eyes and ears, and prepare our hearts to receive the most precious gift of all. Amen.

Silent Prayer


Assurance of Pardon

Leader:  Friends, know and believe, that as we wait for the birth of the baby Jesus — and the return of our Savior — we are already forgiven. Thanks be to God! Amen.

People: Thanks be to God!  Amen!



            Prayer of Blessing



Pastoral Prayer


Scripture Lesson – Luke 1:26-38; 46b-55


Sermon – Let It Be


Closing Hymn – Hark! The Herald Angels Sing




Postlude – O Come Little Children


Service Participants:

Pastor: Rev. Ann Steiner Lantz

Liturgist: Cay Lacey

Director of Music: Jim Flanigan

Pianist: Nancy Gunter

Videographer: Jim Ecklund