Estes Park United Methodist Church

February 14, 2021

Transfiguration Sunday



Order of Worship


Prelude – Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus




Call to Worship

Leader: We are brought here today to glimpse the hope that Christ has for us.

People: Open our hearts to receive that hope.

Leader: We are brought here today to be healed of our fears.

People: Heal us, Lord Jesus, with your love and power.

Leader: Come, let us receive the vision and healing love of God.

People: Praise be to God who continues to bless and restore us. AMEN.


Opening Prayer (Unison)

Holy God, on this Transfiguration Sunday, remind us that Jesus’s ministry is always and ever actively reaching out toward us. And in this time of worship, help us to be open to the challenges of his words, the power of his healing, and the opportunity to labor alongside him as both Savior and friend. In his holy name. Amen.


Opening Hymn – Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies                                              


Prayer of Confession

Leader: Let us confess our sins to Almighty God and to one another.

People: God of Mercy and Grace, you come to us in Jesus of Nazareth to break down the dividing walls of hostility between us: Yet we maintain walls that separate and isolate.

Leader: You give us the ministry of reconciliation: Yet we nurse our wounds and withhold mercy and forgiveness.

People: You invite us to join with Peter, James, and John on the mountain of Transfiguration: Yet we deny the wonders you have worked in our own lives.

Leader: You ask us to acknowledge and share our wealth: Yet we refuse to recognize and relieve the poverty around us.

People: You bless our lives with boundless love: Yet we fail to witness to that love, and so keep others from knowing you.

All: Forgive our selfishness, we pray.  Transform us by your Spirit and your Word into that which pleases you, the image of Christ.  Amen.


Silent Prayer


Assurance of Pardon

Leader: Jesus admonished Peter, James, and John not to tell of what they witnessed on the mountain until he was resurrected.  But we can tell what we have seen and heard of God’s glory!  Here is the good news: Jesus lives! He is raised! We are forgiven!  Go, share the vision! Tell of God’s love! In this God is well pleased!

People: Thanks be to God!  Amen!


Prayer of Blessing


Pastoral Prayer


Scripture Lesson – Mark 9:2-9


Sermon – Living in the Valley


Closing Hymn – Jesus Shall Reign




Postlude – The Light of the World is Jesus


Service Participants:

Pastor: Rev. Ann Steiner Lantz

Recorded Service Liturgist: Cay Lacey

Zoom Service Liturgist: Gail Burrow

Director of Music: Jim Flanigan

Pianist: Nancy Gunter

Videographer: Jim Ecklund