Estes Park United Methodist Church

June 13, 2021

Order of Worship

Prelude​ – From the Inside Out​​


Announcements​​ – Gail Burrow

Greeting/Welcome​​ – Pastor Ann Lantz


Choral Introit​ – How Majestic is Your Name

Call to Worship

Leader: Welcome to worship today!

People: We are glad to be here!

Leader: Open your eyes and your hearts to God’s spirit.

People: We open our lives to God’s word for us.

Leader: Rejoice! For God is with us this day!

People: Thanks be to God for his loving presence.


Opening Prayer (Unison)

Lord, we come this day, having seen the miracles of everyday creation in​​our world. We have enjoyed both the bright sunshine and the gentle rains. ​​​We have marveled over the beauty of flowers and the complexity of your ​​​creation. Make our hearts ready to receive your word for us, that we may go forth from this place ready to joyfully serve you all of our days. Amen.


Opening Hymn​ – How Great Thou Art

Prayer of Confession

Patient Lord, you know how we are. We let the frustrations and worries of ​​our lives overcome us. We turn away from you, sure that you can do ​​​nothing to alleviate our strife. How faithless we are! Please forgive us. Help ​​us to learn that you are actively involved in our lives as a creative ​​​co-worker, seeking healing and hope not only for each of us, but for the ​​whole world. Make us into disciples of peace and compassion; for we ask ​​this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Silent Prayer


Assurance of Pardon

Leader: Let go of your fears and doubts. God pours love on you, in you and through you to others. Be at peace. Amen.

People:​ Praise be to God!  Amen!


Special Music​ – All Good Gifts​ – Steve Tice

Pastoral Prayer


Scripture Lesson​ – I Samuel 15:34-16:13

Sermon​ – When Others See a Shepherd Boy





Prayer of Blessing

Closing Hymn ​- There is Within My Heart a Melody​​




Postlude​ – The Trusting Heart​​


Service Participants:

Pastor:​ Rev. Ann Steiner Lantz

Liturgist:​ Gail Burrow

Choir Director:​ Jim Flanigan

Pianist:​ Nancy Gunter

Videographer:​ Jim Ecklund

Technical Support​: Mike Elgin and Steve Tice