Estes Park United Methodist Church

January 23, 2022



Sunday 1/23

9:45 AM Zoom Worship

3:00 PM Easy Hiking Group


Monday 1/124

1:00 PM Bridge Group


Tuesday 1/25

8-10:30 AM Office Open

10:00 AM Easy Hiking Group

4:00 PM Women’s Devotional Group


Wednesday 1/26

10:00 AM Zoom Book Study

6:00 PM Zoom Book Study


Thursday 1/20

8-10:30 AM Office Open


Friday 1/21

3:00 PM Easy Hiking Group



Order of Worship







Call to Worship

Leader:  God, you who are the gift-giver, you call us together,

People: with our different gifts, our different ideas, our different tastes. 

Leader:  You call us together,

People: to share what makes us special, to build each other up, to serve each other in love. 

Leader:  You call us together,

People:  knowing that we need all parts of the body if we are to be whole. 


Opening Prayer (Unison)

Spirit of the living God, we praise you for empowering us to claim membership of the body of Christ, a gift received through the fullness of your grace. Empower us anew, we pray. Remind us that we are all members of the one body and if one member suffers, we all suffer. May we, as the body of Christ in this place, be the best evidence of your love by declaring and witnessing to this as the year of the Lord’s favor for all people. We give thanks that all of us are Christ’s body, and rejoice in each one being a part of it. Amen


Opening Hymn    

To God Be The Glory


Prayer of Confession

Together, we are the Body of Christ, but we are more inclined to act alone. Apart: one may see, but may not hear. Apart: one may reach out, but may not walk. We confess that we have not always cared for one another. We confess that have belittled our own expressions of faithfulness in light of another’s. Strengthen us in who you, our Creator, have created us to be so that we may function as the Body of Christ in this world. Amen.

(Silent Prayer)


Words of Assurance

Leader: With the love of Jesus, we are the body of Christ!   We have been freed from our fears and doubts. Rejoice, dear friends! In Jesus’ name, we are forgiven and healed. Amen.

People: Thanks be to God, Amen!



            Prayer of Blessing


Pastoral Prayer


Gospel Lesson      

I Corinthians 12:12-31a



We Are the Body of Christ


 Closing Hymn     

Jesus Shall Reign






Service Participants:

Pastor: Rev. Ann Steiner Lantz

Recorded Worship Liturgist: Cay Lacey

Zoom Worship Liturgist: Barbara Bailey

Director of Music: Jim Flanigan

Pianist: Nancy Gunter

Videographer: Jim Ecklund