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EPUMC’s Endowment Fund helps provide for the church’s needs today, while expanding the possibilities for tomorrow. It is invested to produce a dependable, steady stream of financial support to strengthen and develop our church ministries, ensuring that the important work of this church will continue forward into the future.


The EPUMC Endowment Fund Committee makes decisions about the distribution and use of the fund’s earnings. Typically, the Endowment Fund Committee determines an amount of money to be gifted to the church for the Administrative Council to distribute. This Fund is invested with the Rocky Mountain United Methodist Foundation using socially responsible investment practices.


The Fund is Different From Your Tithes & Offerings
The EPUMC Endowment Fund was established with gifts from various individuals and invested for income and growth to meet the future needs of the church. Only the dividends from the invested funds are expended so that the principal of the funds will be preserved in perpetuity.


Tax Benefits
Your gifts to the EPUMC Endowment Fund are deductible for federal income tax purposes. Bequests, life-income gifts, and other donations are often exempt from federal estate and gift taxes. Donations of appreciated assets may also avoid capital gain taxes.


Planned Gifts
There are many ways you can structure planned giving to the EPUMC Endowment Fund:

A gift of money, securities, or other property
A gift under your Last Will and Testament
Beneficiary designation on an employee benefit plan or IRA
Beneficiary designation on a life insurance policy
Naming the Endowment Fund as the beneficiary under a charitable trust
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
You may make gifts in memory or honor of friends and family, or as a tribute to special occasions such as anniversaries, weddings, graduations, and retirements.

For more information, please contact the church office.

This publication does not attempt to give any legal or tax advice. For advice in specific situations, the services of competent legal, tax, or financial planning professionals should be obtained.

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