Order of Worship

Prelude – Christmas in July – “O Come, All Ye Faithful”, “O Holy Night”

Call to Worship

Leader: Receive the Good News: Regardless of any obstacle in your life, there is a wind from God that can bring you out.

People: In faith we look expectantly for it.

Leader: Let the wind of the Eternal One blow down every spirit of fear and heaviness that would cause you to doubt.

People: If God is for us, who can be against us?

Opening Prayer

God of light, in this time together, open our eyes, our hearts and our very beings to see, hear and feel how you are active in our midst. God of love, who calls us to live love, may the time we spend listening for your still, small voice awaken an awareness of how we can put love into action, how we can care for all our relationships. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Opening Hymn – “A Mighty Fortress is our God”

Pastoral Prayer

Lord’s Prayer

OfferingDonate Online

Special Music

Scripture Lesson – Romans 8:26-39

Sermon – “Working Together for Good”

Closing Hymn – “Victory in Jesus”
