Estes Park United Methodist Church

August 30, 2020

Order of Worship

Prelude – “Down to the River to Pray”


Greeting / Welcome


Call to Worship

Leader:  We are God’s handiwork.

People:  Fashioned out of dust so we might never lose touch with our Mother Earth.

Leader:  Shaped by God so we might never forget to whom we belong.

People:  Created with a heart so we might feel the bonds of love that stretch between us.

Leader:  Made with a deep yearning so we might seek and be found by a faithful God.

People:  We are God’s delight and we rejoice to praise our Creator.


Opening Prayer (Unison):

Faithful God, always ready to welcome, always ready to hear, we come before you open to new faith.  Disturb us, so that we shed the old and grow into new creations in Christ.  Move us to deepen our discipleship as you reveal fresh challenges and call us into new identities.  Strengthen us to share in Christ’s suffering, that we might also know the power of his resurrection.  In the name of Jesus the Christ, who claims us as his own.  Amen.


Opening Hymn – “Holy, Holy, Holy”


Prayer of Confession

Leader:  When we pray, we speak to God.  When we pray, God speaks to us.  Let us, therefore, enter into dialogue with our Creator.

All:  We confess without reservation that our dialogue with you, O God, is not really a dialogue.  Too often, we ask without listening, complain without offering thanksgiving.  We pray, and cannot understand why we get no response.  We confess anew our impatience and our unwillingness to sit in the holy stillness of your presence.  Forgive us, loving God.  Thank you for letting us try again.  In this minute of silence, let us be still and listen to what you would say to us this day.

(Silent Prayer)


Assurance of Pardon

Leader:  Even when we try and fail again and again, God loves us still.  In the richness of God’s grace, we accept the peace of Christ, which passes all understanding.  Amen.

All:  Thanks be to God!  Amen!



Offeratory – “The Summons”


Pastoral Prayer

Lord’s Prayer


Scripture Lesson – Matthew 16:21-28


Sermon – “Do You Look Good on Wood?”


Closing Hymn – “Let There Be Peace on Earth”




Postlude – “Joy Overflowing”


Service Participants:

Pastor:  Rev. Ann Steiner Lantz

Liturgist:  Cay Lacey

Director of Music:  Jim Flanigan

Pianist:  Nancy Gunter

Videographer:  Jim Ecklund